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About Our Team


Gbemileke Ogunrayewa

Lead Builder

Gbemileke is an essential part of the team as our lead builder. He developed a passion for STEM at a young age due to his father's occupation as an Engineer. When he is not solving Mathematics, he is playing basketball. He intends to use as much knowledge as he can gain from being a part of the team to give back to the community and make a difference.

Kosisochukwu Ugorji

Lead Programmer and Social Media Manager

Kosi is meticulous, mirthful, amiable and pleasantly calm. She enjoys reading and exploring. She is motivated by the achievements, hardwork and dedication of her coaches and mentors and aspires to use what she learns as a member of Team Nigeria to revamp the medical system of her country with the aid of technology.


Sonia Bendre

Team Captain and Lead Designer

Sonia is our very dedicated team leader. She is amiable, cheerful and very smart. She always makes sure to carry her team members along and sees to their well being. She aspires to be a biomedical engineer.

Isaac Ibidun


 Lead Website Developer and Facility Manager

Isaac is delight to be around. There is never a dull moment while he is around. He has an impeccable ability to notice the tiniest detail which makes him the ideal facility manager. He is organized, cheerful and very diligent.

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Toluwaniyin Ojo-Osagie

Team Spokesperson and Documentation Officer

Toluwaniyin has a wonderful ability to touch people with her words. She is astute, friendly and calm. She enjoys reading, writing and painting. She aspires to be a Software Engineer.

Members: Team
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